Monday, July 10, 2006

The last of my trip

So Galstonbury was sooooooo cool. Lots of hippies and pagans and happy people. Mom wants to live there, I think she'd like it. You'll have to have an extra room for me seeing as how I will be visiting constantly. hee hee....It was kinda funny but we didnt even know we were there, we were driving around trying to find it and we finally stopped and asked this guy and he was like "You're in Glastonbury" not mean or anything, he was really nice, very talkative....He told us were to find Chalice Wells, which was our mission. We wanted to go there because supposedly the water there has healing powers or such, and i wanted to bring some back for mom because her knee and neck are still hurting her. So we finally get there and i'm practically running lol, it was so peaceful and beautiful. I told dad that when mom moves here, shes gonna be spending 3 pounds a day paying to get into the place lol. Luckily they had bottles there because we forgot to get one. So we got the water, and walked around, and then....

we went....

to the highlight of my whole trip....


It was amazing! So many people, and everyone was really happy. We went on summer solstice which is when the let you actually go up and touch the rocks and people climb on them and its just a lot of fun. It was kinda funny, I went there you know happy to see it but not that excited, but like the second you get out of the car you can just like feel the energy and how excited everyone else is and you're all woohoo!!!!! Perfect place to people watch and you learn quite a bit...hee hee.... Such as...Mushrooms is not a code word for I'm Lost. ::giggle:: I almost got to flirt with a very cute, TALLER than me, boy but dad was there and was all "Excuse me sir, can i help you?". ::sigh:: Figures.

And after that....the...Tower of London! And you know what? As long as i had waited to go there, it wasn't what i expected lol. It was great, but i think Stonehenge was the best part of the trip. Did you know that people still live in the tower of London? I think thats cool....kinda creepy though. Do the see ghost constantly? I would think so...I couldn't live that way. While we were there we saw these people who were doing a reenactment of Anne Boylen's trial. Is it bad to say I was in the back giggling? Not at the story...but the actress was just so serious it was hard not to laugh....thats another reason I don't watch horror movies, people think I'm a freak for laughing but I swear not laughing at the story, its just the people!!!!!


Anyways, so theres my trip!!!! Thats just a little bit of it, i left out  lots of pictures and a few stories, but my fingers cant type that much and I cant sit around for very long periods of time anymore. Being there does that to get so used to walking around and then you come back home and don't really have much to do...needless to say I've found a new meaning of the word boredom. But mom doesn't mind cause she get a clean kitchen.


Anonymous said...

if I can get my garden looking nice, I won't need to spend the 3 pounds a day.  Hint hint...hee...


Anonymous said...

Sounds likw you had a fabulous trip..............
Lots of Great Pics.
Thank you so much for sharing them........